Serving Abbotsford since 1944

Club #07938

The Abbotsford Lions Club is a local service club that has been serving Abbotsford since 1944.

We are volunteers in community events and raise funds to assist people with disabilities and those in need in our community.

Lions are diverse groups of service-minded men and women who are interested in improving their communities. To be a Lion is to be an active volunteer, a member of a respected international organization, a leader in the community and a friend to people in need.

Our funds have been raised through various activities such as Poker Tournaments, Garage Sales, Easter Egg Writing and Christmas Gift Wrapping at Walmart.

Adopt-A-Block, Canada Day Parade, Abbotsford Hospice Society Hike for Hospice, Lunch with the Bunch for Seniors, King Traditional School Fun Fair are just a FEW of the projects our club has participated in.



Supported Organizations